Monday, 25 June 2012

IIT Admission Body okays centre's plan

On saturday,  The Joint Admission Board of IIT's passed on the formula backed by centre to IIT faculty to resolve the changes in the joint entrance examination norms. On june 21 HT reported that the HRD ministry informally circulated the new plan among the IIT's to put break somewhere in this situation. The Joint Admission Board would be responsible for working out the details of JEE, including IIT directors and JEE chairmen who supported the ministry's plan. The revised plan was likely to be approved by IIT council on june 27. The proposal after the approval of IIT council will once again be sent to different IIT senates for the final decision. The new proposal will be enforced from 2013. In the new proposal board's performance will be used as a cut-off only. I also read that the cut-off will be based possibly on the top 20 percentile of each board.

Friday, 22 June 2012

IIT-D joins rebel league, plans to hold separate test

On thursday IIT-Delhi rejected HRD minister Kapil Sibal's proposal of conducting single entrance test for all central engineering institutes and announced its own entrance exam next year. IIT-D would hold the test on the same pattern of 2012 JEE. Delhi is the second IIT after Kanpur to plan their own entrance procedure. Dr. Sanjeev Sanghi, the president of IIT-D faculty forum asked the need to introduce the changes in JEE from 2013. Somnath Bharti, the president of IIT-D Alumni Association, said that the decision to conduct a separate exam was taken because of government's autocratic and manipulative atttitude.
IIT-Kharagpur will hold a senate meeting next week and they may go for a separate exam. IIT-Bombay senate meeting  will be held on july 5. Prof AK Chaturvedi, spokesperson for IIT-kanpur senate, said that IIT-Delhi had taken the right step for rejecting single entrance test. He also said that they would look forward to jointly conduct 2013 exam with other IIT's in the same format as JEE 2012.  

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Internet Connections 
Nowadays usage of  internet is increasing widely. We can do surfing, book tickets online, shop online,  search anything on various search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing. Internet access is the process by which various terminals, computers etc are connected to global network. Internet access are available at homes, schools, libraries and cyber cafes, etc. Wireless connections are mostly preffered in shopping malls and  coffee shops. These wireless connection can be accessed from anywhere. Local Area Network i.e. LAN provides internet access to computers in a specific areas like homes, schools and offices. Various technologies of LAN are: Ethernet & Wi-Fi. Broadband provides high data rate access to internet.
There are various types of internet connections:
  • ISDN: ISDN i.e. Integrated services digital network is one of the oldest method of internet connections. It is used for voice, video-conferencing and broadband applications.
  • DSL: DSL i.e. Digital subscriber line .This provides internet connection through computer network.
    ADSL:  Assymetric DSL is one of the types of DSL in North America. It supports different data rates for upstream(sending data) and downstream(receiving data) rates i.e. 16 to 640 Kbps and 1.5 to 9 Mbps respectively.
    SDSL:  Symmetric DSL is also the type of DSL and is mostly common in Europe. It uses the special type of modem. It uses the same data rates for both upstream and downstream rates i.e. upto 3 Mbps.
  • Wi-Fi: These are build by using one or more wireless routers. Wi-Fi can be used to create campus-wide or city-wide wireless networks. 
  • Cable: With the help of cable modem we can have broadband internet connection and is designed to operate on cable TV lines. Its data rate ranges from 512 kbps to 20 Mbps.
Internet Connection Speedometer:
This device is used to tell how fast or slow is our internet connection. Whatever be the internet connection like ISDN, DSL, Wi-Fi or cable we can use speedometer that will tell us the speed of the internet connection.


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Creating a table in SQL

SQL i.e. Structured Query Language and is used to access the database. It is ANSI standard. SQL is also used to build the web sites. There are various commands used in sql such as:Insert, Delete, Update, Where, Select, Join, Distinct, etc. A table is a collection of data entries which consists of rows and columns. Select command is used to retrieve or fetch the data from the database.SQL performs various functions:
  • SQL can execute queries against the database.
  • It can be used to create a database.
  • It can also creates a table in a database.
  • It is used to insert the records in a database.
  • It is used to update the existing records. 
  • It is also used to delete the existing records.
To create a table in sql first of all we must install the SQL server. Then click on Database and create the new database. After creating the database then click on Tables and create new table. We can also create multiple tables. Nowadays, I am creating a table in sql. Firstly, I created a single table and its very easy to create. But creating multiple tables is bit difficult. These multiple tables are created by using JOIN keyword. I hope soon I'll be able to learn much more about sql.    


Monday, 18 June 2012

IIT-kanpur junks JEE plans its own exam next year

I read an article that IIT-kanpur has decided to discard JEE plans and go its own way how it picks students for next year. The institute discards the proposal of common entrance test for all centrally funded engineering institutes and announced its own exam next year because it disagree with new new single joint entrance exam plan of HRD ministry. This resolution was passed at IIT-kanpur's special senate meeting. This meeting was attended by nearly 80 members. The admission committee for the exam will be announced soon. This rule will be implemented in 2013 so that students should get time to prepare for new format. And the students who appeared in JEE exam in 2012 are also eligible for second attempt in 2013. Dr.Mohapatra said that in 2013 IIT council will not be the part of JEE. He also invited other IIT's to follow the footsteps of kanpur but there was no immediate support.The director of IIT-Bombay, Devang khakhar said that there are no plans of conducting separate exam. The director of IIT-Delhi, RK Shevgaonkar said that they will go with the decision of theeir own senate members. The students of IIT-kanpur criticised the single entrance test for all engineering admissions. This separate exam will put students under greater stress.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Making a blog is easy 

Making a blog is not at all a tough job. We can easily make our blog. There are few steps that  must be followed while making your blog account.
  • Firstly choose the blogging software like blogger or wordpress.
  •  Then register the account with login id and password and  create the blog.
  • When the account is registered then we have to select the blog theme and domain name.
  • The next step is to click on new post and start blogging.
  • Choose a template.
We can also choose the template that we want to give in a blog. It depends on us whether we want to keep our blog private or public. These changes can be made in settings option. We should make our blog as professional as we can.Once the blog has been set up then we can write as many posts as we can.  We can also insert the images or videos in our blog posts. When the blog has been written then we have to publish our blog post.We can also share our blog posts on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Till now, I have published 9 blog posts and I found it quite interesting and easy.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Online Shopping 

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where consumer directly buy goods and services from seller through internet. An online shop, internet shops, virtual store evokes physical analogy of buying products at shopping center. This process is called business-to-consumer online shopping. When a business buys a product from another business it is called business-to-business online shopping. Various online websites are there through which consumers can do their online shopping like , , , , etc create and maintain online shops without the complexities that are involved in purchasing . Online shoppers commonly use credit cards to make payments. Customers can also create accounts and pay by alternative means such as:

  • Debit card
  • Cash on delivery
  • Through cheques 

Advantages of online shopping: 

1. Convenience: We can do shopping in minutes even if we are busy . It also saves a time and is convenient to do shopping by sitting at home. 
2. Variety: We can get variety of brands and products from different sellers at one place. 
3.Information and reviews:  We can get lots of information about the products or brands by visiting different online websites which makes easier for us to shop through online.
   Despite of advantages there are various drawbacks in doing shopping through online.

Disadvantages of online shopping:

1.Fraud and security concerns: We are at higher risks of fraud on the part of the merchant than in physical store. Before buying from a new company we must evaluate the website by considering issues like the professionalism and user-friendliness of the site, whether company lists the telephone number along with the  e-mail information or not.
2. Privacy: It is a significant issue for the us. Many websites keep track of consumers shopping habits in order to suggest items and other websites to view.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Contact Management System

Contact management system is becoming very popular these days. The management of company decides to store the personal details of all its employees. To perform this activity, the management decides to develop an application that resembles a digital diary. The application enables the management of company to store various details of its employees which includes:
1. Add address
2. Add Email address
3. Add Phone numbers
4. Add Birthdays
5. Add Reminders
To implement these features , CMS needs to have following modules:
  • Initial module is applet. It helps to run the program on the browser.
  • Login module to check the credentials of employees.
  • Main module to display the main menu of an application.
  • Add contact module to store the contacts of the employees working in the company.
  • Update/Delete contact module is used to update or delete the users contact details. 

Benefits of CMS:          

1. Easily keep track of the data: Its easy to keep the track of all the data with one program.
2. Easy to use: The another benefit of CMS is that it is easy to use. It will take less time for everyone to be able to use it properly.

IITian scores Rs 70 lakh Twitter job

I read an article written by Swapnil Jain who is 22 years old from Vidisha in Madhya pradesh. He has done his graduation in computer science from IIT-Delhi, has struck with his first job - a deal of Rs 70 lakh per annum with Twitter. This becomes possible as he always expected to work with one of the great internet giants. Twitter - which has 140 million users worldwide - was abuzz with his "success" story on Tuesday. On Monday, he'd used the forum to wish Sachin Tendulkar a stellar as a Rajya Sabha member. Jain also moves to california in october, will join only about 1000 people on microblogging payroll. Jain has a bigger dreams just confined to a job is not his goal but he wants to do something different to fulfill his dreams. So he decided to work with the great internet giants like Twitter. Some friends of Jain are also working with Google and Facebook. So they all decided that in future they will set up their own company.  

Seo as I understand

1. Seo i.e. Search Engine Optimization.
2. Various search engines are: Google, Yahoo & Bing.
3. Like in Google whatever we type to search acts as a keyword phrase. For example, I  typed ceiling designs in Google so ceiling designs is our keyword.
4. Various results are appeared on the screen. More than 48 lacs results appeared for ceiling designs.
5. Every page wants to come on the top but some techniques are to be used so that they should come on the top and these techniques are known as Search Engine Optimization Techniques.
6. Various SEO tehniques are :
(a) URL Names: include relevant keywords. As I have opened Drawing Room Ceiling Designs URL name appeared is
(b) Meta Tags- Title & Description: Each page should have different title with 2 or 3 of keywords at beginning. As I studied in Drawing Room Ceiling Designs  the title names appeared as: Drawing Room Ceiling Designs | Ceiling Designs| False Ceiling Designs| Living Rooms Ceiling| Pop Ceiling Designs. And it's description is Drawing Room Ceilings can change the interior of the rooms.
(c) Keyword Density: It is defined as the percentage of times the keyword phrase used in the webpage text.For example, If we have webpage of 100 words including headings,etc and we have keyword phrase that is on the page 5 times then we have keyword density of only 5%
(d) H1 Tag: Displays the heading of the webpage text. For example, Drawing Room Ceiling Design is the heading. 
(e)H2,H3 Tags:  Displays the sub-headings. For example, Ceiling Moldings and Domes represent the sub-heading 

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

About GharExpert

In this post I am going to tell about the website i.e. This website is a fast growing website for interior decoration, exterior design, construction, vaastu and home improvement tips.This website helps customers to get more and more new ideas for interior & exterior designs.The team of GharExpert is in search of making this website more interesting and are generating new innovative ideas day- by- helps us to build our dream home/office providing all tips and tricks. It provides a lot on interior/exterior we can ever dream of. We can read and submit articles, share our pictures, ask questions from the community. We can also share our problems, respond to problems as well as share our success stories. 

Sunday, 10 June 2012

College students cashing on tweets, blogs

Yesterday, I seen article in the newspaper in which I read that advertisers pay students to promote their brands. I read about Gia Kashyap who was 22 years old loved fashion and she was also into blogging. Various tips on latest trends and make-up brands had earned more than Rs 6000 per month which made a perfect sense of fashion brands and helped  to promote her products. Like Gia, many college students who were active on social network found that their hobby could actually be a well-playing job. Since April posting 40 characters on Twitter helped Neil D'souza who was 19 years old earned Rs 3000 per month for promoting a mobile network compaign. This phenomenon of earning money through social networking called as horizontal branding and its a good model to connect advertisers with potential customers. Its a good opportunity for students to make use of their existing time on social networking to make extra pocket money.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Learning Seo

Nowadays, I am learning SEO i.e Search Engine Optimization . I found it quite interesting. These techniques are the set of specific tasks that are performed by Search Engine Optimization company.SEO must focussed towards human visitors in order to achieve good quality traffic high conversion rates. Basically, there are 3 search engines i.e. GOOGLE, YAHOO, BING. In Google whatever we search acts as a Keyword. It shows various results of that particular topic that we searched for. Various key factors of SEO are:

1.URL Names: which includes relevant keywords

2. Keyword Phrase: These must be put in <title>keyword phrase</title>

3Keyword Density: It means how many times the keyword phrase are on the webpage text.

4.Meta Tags-Title & Description: Each page must have different title of 3 or 4 keyword phrases on the beginning of the webpage text.

5.Quality Content: the quality content of the webpage text must be good.

6.Changing Content: the content on the webpage can be changed .

7.Privacy Policy: assures trust and confidentiality.

8.Utilise the blog sites.

9.Bad Techniques: Various bad techniques like invisible text, identical pages, keyword density to high may effect the webpage texts.

My first .Net page


From last 2-3 days I am try to making a .NET Page. It was little bit tough for me to make this page as I didn't know about it before. My elder brother helped me a lot in making this page.Till now, I made 5 pages which includes Home, About Me, My FB Profile, Qualifications, Contact-Me. Earlier I didn't know how to make .NET pages, I searched about it in GOOGLE  and taken a help from my brother also. Day-by-Day I find it easier and interesting. The program is the version of Microsoft Visual Studio. It is perfect for creating a .NET websites. To create a project Open Visual Web Developer program and click File, then New Website. Then we have to start writing the HTML coding including various html tags. Then save that page with .htm or .aspx extension. I hope soon i'll get deep knowledge  in making the .NET pages.

My first day at music class

Yesterday was my first day at the music class. I am learning to play a CASIO. It was really a great fun. First of all, I would give thanks to my elder brother who convinced me to join the music class. Then I would thanks to the Guruji who is giving me training to learn to play a casio. Firstly Guruji listen songs from me to test me whether I have interest in singing or not. After listening songs guruji was impressed from me. Then, I started playing a casio . Yesterday, I learn to play SA RE GA MA . Firstly, I made a lot of mistakes in playing the casio. But at last, I really played well. It was really a great experience. And I know within few days I will learned well enough.