Thursday, 6 December 2012

Definition of Java Database Connectivity

JDBCT is a JavaT API executing statements. It consists of classes and interfaces that are written in java programming language. Using JDBC it is easy to send SQL statements to any relational database. The combination of java and JDBC lets us to write it once and run it anywhere. As java is secure, robust, easy to use, easy to understand, and automatically downloadable on a network is an excellent language for database applications. JDBC extends what can be done in java. With java and JDBC API we can publish a web page containing an applet that uses information obtained from a remote database.

Advantages of JDBC:

  1. JDBC establishes a connection with a database.
  2. JDBC sends SQL statements.
  3. JDBC also processes the results.
Java soft provides three JDBC product components as part of Java developer's kit(JDK):
  1. the JDBC drive manager.
  2. the JDBC driver-test suite.
  3. the JDBC-ODBC bridge.
The JDBC driver manager is the backbone of the JDB architecture. It's actually quite simple and small. It's primary function is to connect java applications to correct JDBC driver .
I have made a project on the CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in which I used JDBC-ODBC database connectivity and it's syntax is as follows:
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sampledatabase");

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